Lecture 3: Fieldwork & Sources of Topo data

J Mwaura

Datums &s; Coordinate Systems

Coordinate Reference Systens

EPSG:4210 - Arc1960

EPSG:4326 - WGS84, World Geodetic System 1984, used in GPS

EPSG:21037 - Arc 1960/UTM zone 37S

EPSG:21097 - Arc 1960/UTM zone 37N

EPSG:21036 - Arc 1960/UTM zone 36S

EPSG:21096 - Arc 1960/UTM zone 36N

EPSG:3395 - WGS84/World Mercator

Data Sources

  1. Stereo Aerial photographs
  2. Point cloud by Light Detection & Ranging (LiDAR) surveys
  3. Ground survey data
  4. Space borne images
  5. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) data

Data Source I: Photos

Stereo Aerial photographs

  1. Captured by air surveys
  2. Stereo modelling
  3. Extract features based on scale of aerial photographs

Data Source II: Satellite

Space borne imageries

  1. Low resolution -used for small scale mapping at scales of 1:100,000 & 250,000 land use mapping
  2. High resolution -used to extract topographic features at scale of 1:5,000 to 1:50,000. With image enhancements like ortho-rectified images using 3D ground control data

Data Source III: LiDAR Point Cloud

To extract features at 1:2,000 to 1:10,000 scales

Good for producing contours & DEM for 3D mapping

Good for large area survey within a reasonable time period

Method of acquisition

  • Handheld
  • On vehicle
  • On UAV

Data Source IV: UAV

Captures feature data & elevation data for very large scale mapping such as 1:1,000 or even larger

Suitable for topographic data for applications like utility management & city planning

Data Source V: Ground Surveys

Good for large scale mapping like hydrographical features e.g. drainage lines, utility features

Available robust & rapid ground survey methods such as GNSS technology with Real Time measuring capabilities is good to collect any kind of such feature data

Quality Assurance

Verification of data - ascertain the fitness of data with ground truth

Aspects of verification

  • Geometric accuracy
  • Attribute accuracy
  • Thematic accuracy
  • Completeness

Ways of verification

  • Field investigations & measurements
  • Existing records like gazettes, survey plans, etc
  • Web-GIS services like Google Earth
  • Crowd sourcing

End of Lecture

Topographic Mapping

That's it!

Queries about this Session, please send them to: jmwaura@jkuat.ac.ke


  • American Society of Civil Engineers, 2000
  • The surveying handbook. 2nd Edition. Springer, 1995, Brinker, R. C. and Minnick, R.
  • Kenya Survey Manual SOK
  • Land Surveyor Reference Manual Andrew L. Harbin
Courtesy of Open School